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Posts Tagged ‘masque boutique testimonial’

What do Masks make? Prizes!

one4allgiftcardThis Monthly Prize is……… a £20 High Street Voucher!

Starting this December (2015), we are giving all our customers the chance to win a monthly prize draw in exchange for leaving a product review, or sending us a testimonial along with a photo of you wearing your masks for our Testimonials Page.

The draw will take place early this month (with it being Christmas!) on the 22nd December 2015. All customers* who leave a product review or a testimonial will be liable for entry and all prizes will be posted within one week of the draw (earlier for the Christmas draw!)

(* customers who leave a product review only – will be checked against our order list to avoid spammers).

How do I enter the Prize Draw?

If you have purchased a mask from us at any time (not just this year) then you have 2 options:-

Option 1

Find your product on our website and leave a review at the bottom of the product page. It’s easy to do and will be live on the website once reviewed (our spam filter is in operation so they aren’t automatically uploaded).

If you can’t find your product, if you purchased a custom mask or if you are a customer from many years ago then please try option 2.

Option 2

E-mail us at with your testimonial (this can be about the product or the service or both) AND a photo of you wearing the mask we made.


At the end of each month, everyone who has kindly sent in their reviews will be assigned a number and the draw will be carried out on Facebook. I will ask of our followers to choose a random number then the winner’s name will be posted there.

As we will contact the winner direct via e-mail, please ensure that your e-mail address is correct.

Each month we will post the prize at the top of our Blog Post.

*All prizes are final and not exchangeable. International customers only will be offered a cash equivelent only as UK Vouchers are not acceptable in their country. A Third party will be asked to choose the winner.

** Customers can only enter once at any time, per mask/order.